
My journey with essential oils began not long after the birth of my second son when i began to realise the amount of chemicals in so called natural remedies used to treat everyday aliments life throws at us.

When i looked into the ingredients that go into common every day remedies for nappy rash, teething and winter sniffles i realised the amount of chemicals in the everyday options available, i then knew i had to look further. It was in my search for a natural alternative that i discovered Doterra Essential Oils and haven't looked back. I have improved my family's health and wellbeing in a chemical free way by using diffusing oils in rooms, making up roller bottle mixes that are applied topically or ingesting a small mix of natural oils in my everyday water.

So now after so many people asked 'what is that?' and 'why are you using that?' I have decided to share my knowledge and experience and take my journey to the next level by offering a range of useful blends in rollers and sprays that have helped myself and my little family.

I hope you find them as life changing as I have, being able to replace chemicals with a natural alternative has truly given me peace of mind when it comes to protecting my family.

Please not i do not promote that any of my remedies replace medical advice or medication only that it has helped in maintain a healthy immune system and warding off those illnesses that require no prescribed medication.